(SACRAMENTO, CA) – Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco), Chair of the Assembly Budget Committee, released the following statement in response to Governor Jerry Brown's State of the State address.
“Governor Brown continues to articulate a clear vision for California – what’s good for California is good for the United States of America. With low unemployment and high job growth, we lead the nation economically. At a time of strong fiscal growth, we must continue to champion a responsible budget with a strong reserve. Unfortunately, the Governor’s budget contains an almost $2 billion error. Instead of having his administration share in the sacrifice, he is asking vulnerable Californians and college students to bear the burden of cuts. With Washington now pursuing an agenda at odds with California values, we need to come together and continue to fight for more jobs, housing, and transportation so Californians can provide for their families, have a roof over their head, and have convenient ways to get where they need to be.”