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2013 Legislation

AB 19, Online elections – seeks to expand participation in the democratic process through online voting.

AB 220, Clean car tax holiday – exempts the purchase of new electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles from state sales tax, Vehicle License Fees and authorizes free parking of these vehicles at state-owned parking facilities.

AB 231, Firearm safety – holds gun owners criminally liable for leaving a gun where a child can access it.

AB 232, Gun buyback program – creates financial incentives for gun buyback programs.

AB 362, Same-Sex Couple Tax Fairness Act – ends a discriminatory state tax paid by persons whose employer reimburses them for federal taxes paid on health benefits for a same-sex partner.

AB 483, Tourism marketing– removes a threat to California’s tourism marketing districts – which support the State’s $100 billion tourism industry – due to a legal ambiguity created by Proposition 26.

AB 499, Stalking victims – increases stalking victims’ safety by lengthening restraining order durations.

AB 525, Performing arts – updates state law to enable several of San Francisco’s world-renowned live performance theatres to comply with the same requirements for alcoholic beverage consumption as other theatres.

AB 551, Urban agriculture – spurs the creation of urban farms by creating a tax incentive for owners of vacant and blighted land who allow food production on their property.

AB 561, Document transfer reform – closes loopholes in the Documentary Transfer Tax Act by which partnerships avoid paying taxes that are levied on other property owners, such as homeowners, when they sell a property.

AB 707, Pedestrian safety – removes obstacles to signs warning drivers of senior citizen walking zones.

AB 905, Energy efficiency financing – grants state approval of creative a financing mechanism by which commercial property owners may access up-front capital to pay for energy efficiency improvements.

AB 920, Property tax disclosure – brings greater transparency to taxpayers by requiring counties to disclose on property tax bills what public services – such as schools, police and fire protection – the property taxes pay for.

AB 1077, Electric vehicle purchases (Joint Author) – promotes electric vehicle purchases through lower sales tax and vehicle registration by basing these on the post-rebate cost of the vehicle.

AB 1151, Property tax agent reform – provides greater transparency in the tax assessment appeals process by requiring registration of property tax agents with the Secretary of State, and imposing disclosure requirements.

AB 1273, Piers 30-32 Revitalization – authorizes local approval of a waterfront development for a professional sports stadium on Piers 30-32, if all State and local environmental approvals are granted, generating thousands of jobs, improving public access to the Bay, and saving millions of tax dollars.

AB 1362, Digital divide – seeks to expand home Internet access by persons who lack it.

AB 1364, Cal Grant increase – increases the Cal Grant B stipend, which helps low-income college students pay for expenses such as textbooks, and automatically increases the aid in future years commensurate with the Consumer Price Index.