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2024 Legislation

AB 347 - Household product safety enforcement

A two-year bill, AB 347, would require the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to enforce compliance with existing and future product safety laws regulating the use of PFAS chemicals. 

AB 691 – Extending the California Schools, Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency (CalSHAPE) Program

AB 691 would extend and improve the California Schools, Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency (CalSHAPE) Program at the California Energy Commission (CEC). This program provides funding to upgrade HVAC systems and replace noncompliant plumbing fixtures in public schools. 

AB 1777: Safer Public Safety Requires For Autonomous Vehicles

AB 1777 improves standards on autonomous vehicles to increase accountability and improve pedestrian and traffic safety

AB 1780 – Ending Legacy Admissions

AB 1780 would stop the practice of legacy admissions, where schools give preferential treatment to family members of alumni or donors, and would take away public CalGrant funding if the institution continues this practice. 

AB 1814 – Facial Recognition

AB 1814 would require law enforcement and peace officers to use more than just a facial recognition technology (FRT) match before making an arrest, conducting a search, or seeking an affidavit for a warrant.

AB 2155 – Bilingual Pay

AB 2155 would ensure that Californians with limited English proficiency have access to social services by creating a grant program within the California Department of Social Services to fund community-based nonprofits that provide language accessibility and social equity services. 

AB 2178 – Prison Closures

AB 2178 would create a gradual approach to reducing the number of prisons as the number of people incarcerated decreases. This bill will save the state billions which will help the state address its ongoing fiscal challenges and free up resources to be spent on other vital services for Californians.

AB 2244 – BPA Free Receipts

AB 2244 would prohibit the use of bisphenol chemicals in paper receipts, which will protect consumers by eliminating toxic contamination in paper waste and will maximize our ability to recycle paper products. 

 AB 2359 Expanding the Neighborhood Liquor License Program

AB 2359 would improve and expand San Francisco’s successful neighborhood liquor license initiative, which provides support to small businesses in the city’s outer commercial corridors. 

AB 2401 – Expanding Clean Cars 4 All

AB 2401 would improve zero-emission vehicle equity and air quality by codifying the expanded Clean Cars 4 All program, requiring vehicle data collection to allow for more targeted outreach to the lowest-income Californians, and increasing incentive amounts for the lowest-income, highest mileage drivers.

AB 2483 Resentencing Guidelines

AB 2483 would authorize courts to revisit criminal sentences and sets standardized statewide guidelines to ensure efficient and equitable resentencing procedures. 

AB 2488 – Downtown Revitalization and Economic Recovery Financing Districts

AB 2488 would empower cities to create special downtown revitalization and economic recovery financing districts in areas with high rates of empty office space. These districts would be able to help finance the conversion of these empty office buildings into new housing which will spur economic recovery in struggling city centers while also creating new housing. 

AB 2669 – Protecting Bridge Access for Pedestrians 

AB 2669 would protect free sidewalk access for pedestrians and bicyclists on all state-owned bridges by prohibiting agencies from charging sidewalk tolls or fees. 

AB 2967 – Expanding the Teacher Housing Act

AB 2967 would expand the Teacher Housing Act to include teachers and employees at publicly funded early childhood, pre-kindergarten, transitional kindergarten, and afterschool programs, making these vital educators eligible to live in special teacher housing projects. 

AB 3079 – Undocumented IHSS Provider Expansion 

AB 3079 would ensure that individuals without official documentation are eligible to provide care services for their undocumented family members who receive IHSS benefits.