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2018 Legislation

AB 87: Autonomous Vehicle Safety – Gives law enforcement the authority to impound autonomous vehicles operating without a valid application or permit and to hold the vehicle until a valid permit is presented.

AB 748: Body Camera Transparency – Requires law enforcement agencies to release body camera footage within 120 days in cases of an officer’s use of force or violation of law, unless the public’s interest in nondisclosure outweighs disclosure.

AB 958: Food Packaging Safety – Requires the Department of Toxic Substances Control to add PFAS in food packaging on their Priority Product list to research and adopt regulations on its usage, if the Department finds that the chemical is harmful.

AB 1184: Local Tax on Transportation Network Companies – Affirms the City of San Francisco's authority to put on the ballot a tax on ride-hailing services, raising much-needed revenue for local transportation and public transit projects.

AB 1745: Clean Cars 2040 – The Clean Cars 2040 Act requires all new passenger cars registered in California after January 1, 2040, to be zero-emissions vehicles.

AB 1985: Hate Crimes Prevention – Requires local law enforcement agencies that are updating their hate crime policies to meet standards set by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) and include other tools to address rising hate crime rates.

AB 2065: Surplus Land for Housing – Strengthens provisions in the Surplus Land Act, which guarantees affordable housing developers get first priority to purchase surplus land from local agencies, by clarifying definitions and procedures related to the disposition of public land.

AB 2127: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Requires the California Energy Commission, working with other state agencies and relevant stakeholders, to prepare a statewide assessment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure needs to help meet the state’s goal of five million zero-emissions vehicles on the road by 2030 and a reduction in the emissions of greenhouse gases to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030.

AB 2212: Food Safety – Adds subscription-based meal delivery services to the existing definition of “retail” to ensure safe production of all food products. 

AB 2219: Rental Assistance – Helps families stay in their homes by requiring landlords to accept rent payments on behalf of a tenant from any party who has been designated by the tenant.

AB 2260: Traffic Amnesty – Reestablishes the Traffic Ticket/Infraction Amnesty Program, which will allow individuals to reduce their traffic tickets by up to 80%.

AB 2314: Domestic Workers – Establishes and maintains a Domestic Work Enforcement Program within the California Department of Labor Standards Enforcement to promote the implementation of labor standards for the domestic work industry. 

AB 2335: Healthy Corner Stores – Creates the Small Business Nutrition Incentive Pilot Program, which will allow small business corner stores in food deserts to receive a grant to purchase refrigeration for their store that must stock healthy and nutritious produce.

AB 2355: Border Wall Resistance – Prohibits companies that contract to construct President Trump’s border wall with Mexico from claiming specified California tax credits and exemptions.

AB 2407: Electric Vehicle Battery Recycling – Establishes the Lithium-Ion Car Battery Recycling Advisory Group at CalEPA, with specified stakeholder membership, to review policies pertaining to the recovery and recycling of lithium-ion vehicle batteries sold with motor vehicles in the state and report recommendations to the Legislature by January 1, 2022.

AB 2438: Opening Doors to Employment – Removes barriers to employment, housing and education for individuals who have completed probation by expediting the process of clearing their criminal record, as already required by law.

AB 2475: Green Building Landscaping – Requires the Department of General Services to review its requirements for sustainability and efficiency in state building landscaping, to ensure these requirements include the most current environmental standards.

AB 2559: Central Committee – Updates the notice required when an individual fills a vacancy on a democratic central committee.

AB 2620: Rental Car Theft Prevention – Allows a rental car company to declare a rental vehicle is embezzled if it has not been returned within three days of the due date, to expedite the recovery of the rental vehicle.

AB 2695: Energy Storage – Increases the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) by up to $140 million for energy storage systems deployment.

AB 2888: Gun Violence Restraining Order – Strengthens an existing tool to prevent gun-related tragedies by authorizing school employees and co-workers to petition the courts for a gun violence restraining order if someone is becoming a danger to themselves or others.

AB 2890: ADU Streamlining – Removes additional legislative barriers to widespread adoption of accessory dwelling units (ADUs), the most affordable housing source available immediately for Californians, as they can move from design to permit in under 12 months  without public subsidy in every community in the State.

AB 2939: Expands housing options in dense cities by allowing for no limit on the amount of ADUs that can be built in buildings with 5 or more units

AB 2942: Prosecutorial Discretion – Provides prosecutors the discretion to recall and resentence a defendant who has served at least half of  his/her long-term sentence if there is evidence that the defendant has been rehabilitated.

AB 3171: Local Homelessness Solutions – Creates the Local Homelessness Solutions Program, which will provide matching funds to cities for programs to combat homelessness - including shelter diversion, rapid re-housing, rental assistance, emergency shelter, navigation centers, bridge housing and permanent supportive housing.

ACR 159: Designates January 30, 2018, Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution; in recognition of his activism on behalf of the Japanese American community

AJR 36: Recognizes May 6, 2018, as the 136th anniversary of the enactment of the Chinese Exclusion Act; also calls upon the President to rescind his anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim executive orders