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Ting Praises Passage of ‘Cap and Trade’ Agreement

For immediate release:

California to expand leadership in fight against climate change with $900 million investment

(SACRAMENTO, CA) – Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco), Chair of the Assembly Budget Committee, released the following statement about the State Legislature’s passage of a budget agreement with Governor Jerry Brown to invest $900 million in a comprehensive plan to mitigate the causes of climate change.

“This agreement will help protect the basics of life while enhancing the quality of life in California.  After years of negotiation, we have a responsible investment framework to clean our air and water with revenues generated by polluting industries.  Recognizing the significant impact transportation has on our climate, we are prioritizing access to clean vehicle technologies, transit, and bike infrastructure.  We will expand prudent waste management practices to capture harmful emissions, establish innovative farming practices to save precious water and soil, green our communities with new parks, and protect our forests, which face unprecedented threats because of climate change.  Adapting to climate change is a process that will take more investments like this over time.”

The expenditure plan was detailed in AB 1613.  Further information at
