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Ting Honors Self-Help for the Elderly at State Capitol

For immediate release:

Ting presents Winnie Yu (left), Anni Chung (left center), Josephine Ma (right center), and Catarina Lai (right) with a resolution honoring Self Help for the Elderly on the Assembly Floor.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) – During the inaugural celebration of California Nonprofits Day at the State Capitol, Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) honored Self Help for the Elderly, of San Francisco, as his nonprofit of the year.

"Getting older brings new challenges. Routine aspects of life can become tough, which makes the work of Self Help for the Elderly so important," said Ting. "They help seniors live with dignity and grace in our community. No calling is more noble than this."

Originally created as a "War on Poverty" program, Self-Help for the Elderly began serving seniors in San Francisco's Chinatown community in 1966. Today, Self-Help for the Elderly serves over 35,000 seniors each year in San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara and Alameda counties. Over 90% of its clients are low-income and from minority communities.

"We're truly honored to receive this award this year to celebrate our 50th Anniversary," said Anni Chung, President and CEO, Self-Help for the Elderly. "We are dedicated to improving the quality of life seniors by empowering them through culturally and linguistically appropriate care. Under our care, seniors access programs and services to make lifestyle choices, to enhance their standard of living, and to achieve the best possible health. Their security, freedom and peace of mind of our seniors are our priority."

As part of today's recognition, Ting presented Self Help with a resolution of the California State Assembly commemorating their history and accomplishments. Among its findings, the resolution says, "With a mission to promote the independence, dignity and, self-worth of seniors, Self-Help for the elderly has proven to be a healthy and positive force within the local community, and on the fiftieth anniversary of its founding, its efforts are deserving of acknowledgement and praise."

As part of today’s observance at the State Capitol, all lawmakers were invited to select one nonprofit from their district to be honored.  Further information about Ting’s honoree is available at