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SF Chronicle: S.F. Should Do Justice To Jury Diversity By Preserving Stipend Program

Source: San Francisco Chronicle

Kiswendsida Kola received a postcard this fall with a novel proposition.

It read: “You may be eligible to receive $100 per day for your jury service!” as a participant in a pilot program called Be the Jury.

This offer came as a pleasant surprise to Kola, who, like many San Francisco residents, struggles to balance his willingness to participate in the legal system against the financial imperatives that come with living in one of the least affordable cities.

.... The second thing that would need to happen is for the legislation that enabled the pilot, AB1452, to be extended and made permanent. San Francisco Assembly Member Phil Ting’s bill calls for a third party to review information voluntarily provided by jurors who get the higher compensation. The bill will sunset at the end of 2023, or sooner if the Superior Court of San Francisco finds that the program is causing “prejudice to the rights of litigants or the interests of justice.”