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NY Times: Soon, Jaywalking Will No Longer Be a Crime in CA

Source: New York Times

.... California has long had a reputation for strict enforcement of jaywalking laws. That is about to change with a new law decriminalizing the offense that goes into effect on Jan. 1. Under the “Freedom to Walk” act, signed on Sept. 30 by Gov. Gavin Newsom, pedestrians will no longer be given a moving violation with a fine of up to $250 if they cross outside of designated intersections.


Mr. Ting, who represents parts of San Francisco, said he had been pushing for the legislation for two years and hoped it would make it easier for people to cross the street without any concerns.

“There is this fallacy that people crossing the street is what creates pedestrian accidents,” Mr. Ting said. “This new law will create greater incentives to cross the street and make sure there is greater equity.”

Mr. Ting said he hoped the bill would help to stop the police from targeting vulnerable people. He referred to the case of Kurt Reinhold, an unarmed Black homeless man who was fatally shot in 2020 by an Orange County sheriff’s deputy who stopped him on suspicion of jaywalking, according to The Los Angeles Times.