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SacBee: California has the most non-English speakers. Why Do Lawmakers Have To Translate At Meetings?

Source: Sacramento Bee

.... California has the largest population of residents who speak other languages at home. But even at the highest levels, the state has trouble providing language access to those seeking to participate in civic life. And the pattern holds for people trying to obtain government services and benefits at agencies like the Department of Motor Vehicles.

.... The 2022 budget provides $5 million for a Government Operations Agency language access pilot program, which will select one department to test new practices. Some of the money will also go towards “translation for state administrative and legislative hearings to overcome language and cultural barriers to government services,” a committee staff report said. Both Carrillo and Assembly Budget Chair Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, talked about their experiences growing up in households with families that didn’t speak English at home. “We grew up where we speak languages other than English at home,” Ting said. “It’s not uncommon and so I think it is very important.”