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AP: UC Berkeley Ordered To Freeze Enrollment For Incoming Class

Source: Associated Press

The University of California, Berkeley was ordered by the state Supreme Court on Thursday to freeze its undergraduate enrollment at 2020-21 levels, meaning it will have to accept at least 3,000 fewer students than planned for in the upcoming academic year.

The ruling is a victory for some residents of the city of Berkeley, who had sued the university for accepting more and more students without providing enough housing for them, though their lawsuit blocked construction of planned off-campus faculty housing. But it is a major blow to many applicants to the prestigious public university and means millions of dollars in lost tuition.

.... An outpouring of support for the university came from lawmakers, including Assemblyman Phil Ting, a San Francisco Democrat and UC Berkeley alum.

“I know personally how life changing it can be to attend UC Berkeley,” Ting said. “I have been in contact with UC leadership, and the Legislature is exploring a variety of options.”