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Lombard Street Toll Moves a Step Closer to Reality After Sacramento Vote

Publication: San Francisco Gate

A state assembly bill proposing motorists reserve a spot and pay a toll before driving down Lombard Street in San Francisco has passed the Assembly Transportation Committee by an 11-to-3 vote on Monday, according to the Office of Assemblyman Phil Ting, D-San Francisco.

Assembly Bill 1065, the Lombard Street Reservation and Pricing System, is eligible to go to a floor vote on the assembly floor at the State Capitol in Sacramento next week, Ting's spokeswoman Nannette Miranda said, and Ting will try to get it on Thursday, May 2 agenda.

Ting announced the introduction of the legislation on Monday, April 15. It would authorize the city to start implementing the pricing and reservation program at the iconic street, which, according to Ting, attracts more than two million visitors annually.