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Select Committee on Asia/California Trade and Investment Promotion Hearing

“How Can California Maximize Trade and Investment Promotion with Asia?”

Sacramento - Assemblymember Philip Y. Ting (D-San Francisco), chair of the Assembly’s Select Committee on Asia/California Trade and Investment Promotion and co-chair of the advisory board of ChinaSF, convened the committee’s first public hearing this week. The intent of the committee is to identify best practices to facilitate relationships between the state of California and Asian companies interested in investing here.

“Economic projections suggest that China’s foreign direct investment will reach $2 trillion in the next few years,” Ting said in his opening remarks. “It is our responsibility as state legislators to make sure that California secures as much of those investment dollars as possible.

San Francisco Piers 30-32 Restoration and Development Finds Common Ground in Senate Policy Committee

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Philip Y. Ting (D – San Francisco) presented the merits of AB 1273 to the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water, a bill that would help advance a restoration proposal for San Francisco’s Piers 30-32.  The bill previously passed the Assembly on a vote of 51 to 10. The Senate committee’s action today was approved by a vote of 8 to 0.

The legislation ensures that if a multi-purpose venue is approved to be located on Piers 30-32, the project will maximize public access, open space, and maritime uses consistent with the Public Trust Doctrine — the principles that govern the use of California’s sovereign waterfront properties.

Ting/Gomez Legislation to Strengthen California’s Firearm Child Access Prevention Laws Passes Key Senate Committee

Limiting a child’s access to guns is priority of AB 231

Sacramento – Legislation authored by Assemblymember Philip Y. Ting (D-San Francisco) and Assemblymember Jimmy Gomez (D – Los Angeles) to impose penalties for the preventable tragedy of gun injuries involving children passed the Senate Public Safety Committee today. AB 231 would make the act of leaving or storing a loaded firearm in a location where a child is likely to gain access a misdemeanor.

“By imposing a misdemeanor on those who allow children to gain access to their guns, we can prevent accidents and even save lives,” Ting told the members of the committee. “It is not an infringement of rights to expect persons who own guns and have children in their lives to be especially careful.”

Assemblymember Ting Praises Action by SF Board of Supervisors to Support Legislation for Same-Sex Tax Fairness

Adopts Resolution to Support AB 362

Sacramento – Assemblymember Philip Y. Ting (D-San Francisco) praised the action taken last night  by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, whose members voted unanimously to adopt Resolution 130591 in support of AB 362, Ting’s legislation to exempt from state taxation compensation provided by California employers to employees in same-sex partnerships.

“San Francisco has long supported its vibrant LGBTQ community with a strong history of advocacy for equal rights and this is no exception,” said Ting.  “In fact, AB 362 is directly related to Supervisor Mark Farrell’s local measure addressing this issue passed in March. San Francisco stands for tax fairness for same-sex couples and so should the State of California and the Federal Government.”

Under existing law, employer sponsored health insurance provided to the partners and children of LGBTQ employees in same-sex partnerships does not qualify for federal tax exemptions. As a result, same-sex couples incur on average an extra $1,069 in taxes per year. In response to this excessive tax burden, California employers have started to adopt policies to compensate their LGBTQ employees for this federal tax expense. However, under existing law, these reimbursements are subject to state income taxes. AB 362 would exempt these compensations from state taxation.

“I am proud to support AB 362 at the State level which expands on my local legislation to counter discriminatory federal tax policy and provide a higher level of equality for same-sex spouses and same-sex domestic partners,” said Supervisor Mark Farrell. “Same-sex couples should not be required to pay more income taxes than others simply due to the nature of their intimate partner relationship.”

Under the provisions of the City and County of San Francisco’s new law, the city will reimburse city employees for the discriminatory federal tax incurred on benefits received for their partner and dependents.

AB 362, authored by Ting, would cover persons in a same-sex partner relationship who work for public entities or private sector companies that choose to reimburse their employees. Among private sector companies providing this type of reimbursement to employees are Google, Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants and Facebook.

“San Francisco’s backing of my measure is one more stamp of approval to a growing list of support on this issue,” said Ting.

AB 362 is sponsored by Equality California and supported by a number of organizations including, the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, Facebook, and several labor and health organizations.

The tax-fairness legislation passed out of the Assembly and moved to the Senate. There it will be heard in the Senate Governance and Finance committee within the next few weeks.

Assemblymember Ting is the Chair of Assembly Democratic Caucus and the Assembly Select Committee on Asia/California Trade and Investment Promotion, and he serves on the Budget, Business, Professions and Consumer Protection, Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials and the Revenue and Taxation committees.

CONTACT: Carol Chamberlain,, office: 916-319-2019, cell: 916-804-5355

Budget Agreement Reflects Priorities of California’s Majority: Increased Funding for Education

Assemblymember Philip Y. Ting (D-San Francisco) released this statement regarding the State budget agreement announced today.

“The Legislative Conference Committee and Governor Brown came to terms on a balanced budget that reflects the priorities of the majority of Californians. Most notable is increased funding for education.  All K-12, community colleges and career tech education will benefit under this budget, and schools with a large percentage of English learners and low-income students will receive even more help. Also, at the UC/CSU level, the implementation of unprecedented tuition relief through scholarships for the middle class will begin with this budget.

Assemblymember Ting Honors Daly City’s Moonstar Buffet as 19th Assembly District’s Business of the Year

Community leader and restaurateur receives award in Sacramento

Assemblymember Ting presents Daisy Li, owner of Moonstar Buffet in Daly City, with the 19th Assembly District Business of the Year Award.

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Philip Y. Ting (D-San Francisco) honored his 19th Assembly District Business of the Year at the “Salute to Small Business” luncheon held in conjunction with Small Business Day at the State Capitol. Daisy Li, 51, owner of Moonstar Buffet Restaurant in Daly City, traveled to Sacramento to receive her award.

Ting Legislation to Increase Cal Grant B Awards Passes Assembly

AB 1364 Increases Awards to Reflect Real Costs of Textbooks

Sacramento – Assemblymember Philip Y. Ting (D-San Francisco) successfully urged his Assembly colleagues to help all college students achieve their goals by passing AB 1364, his legislation that would raise Cal Grant B awards to more closely align with the real costs of textbooks and supplies.

“This year in California, there are nearly 180,000 students whose decision on whether they can afford to attend or stay in college will hinge on Cal Grant assistance,” Ting said. “The Assembly budget proposal shows our strong commitment to helping these students make the right choice to get a college degree.”

Piers 30-32 Restoration Proceeds with Passage of AB 1273

Ting Legislation to Make Findings Consistent with Public Trust Clears the Assembly

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Philip Y. Ting (D – San Francisco) presented the merits of AB 1273 on the Assembly Floor today, a bill that would help advance a restoration proposal for San Francisco’s Piers 30-32.  The bill passed the Assembly on a vote of 51 to 9, and now moves to the California Senate for consideration.

Same-Sex Couple Tax Fairness Act Progresses

Ting legislation would eliminate taxing of health care benefit reimbursements

Sacramento – AB 362, legislation by Assemblymember Philip Y. Ting (D-San Francisco), to provide tax relief for certain same-sex couples who receive employer-sponsored health insurance coverage, passed the Assembly yesterday. The legislation received bipartisan support with a vote of 56 to 19.

Urban Gardens Stand to Flourish With Property Owner Incentive

Assemblymember Ting legislation would allow lower taxes

Sacramento – Assemblymember Philip Y. Ting (D-San Francisco) received overwhelming, bipartisan support in the Assembly for AB 551, legislation that would authorize cities and counties to create urban agriculture incentive zones, and allow for potentially reduced property assessments when a landowner allows small-scale food production on their land. The vote was 64 to 0.