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ADUs Could Play Greater Role In CA’s Housing Crisis As a Result of Ting’s Bills & Budget Action

A “backyard revolution” is underway in California, thanks to the policy and budget actions taken by the state Legislature in recent years on Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) – affordable housing more commonly known as backyard cottages, granny flats or in-law units. They are now poised to play an even great role in easing this state’s housing shortage.

In SB 104, a budget bill now headed to the Governor, there’s an additional $25 million for the highly successful ADU Grant Program, which provides approved homeowners with up to $40,000 in pre-development costs like design and site prep. This funding would complement the $100 million allocated last year and could result in up to 2,500 new ADUs. But the first round of funds were exhausted within months because of demand.

SacTown Podcast: Interview with Phil Ting

This week we welcome to the program Assembly Member Phil Ting. Ting represents Assembly District 19 and serves as Chair of the Assembly Budget Committee. We discuss Ting’s career, education access, affordability, housing, and more.

Ting Bill Allowing More Counties To Increase Jury Pay Under Pilot Program Sent To The Governor

The California Legislature today approved AB 881, the Be the Jury pilot program, by Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco), allowing five counties to increase jury pay in criminal trials from $15 a day to $100 a day for low-to-moderate income jurors. The pilot program seeks to see whether a higher stipend results in juries that are more racially and economic diverse. 

“Californians from all backgrounds are entitled to serve on juries. When financial hardship determines whether someone can be participate in our democracy, we miss out on a diversity of perspectives. Studies show when juries are more reflective of the communities they serve, they spend more time in deliberations and are less likely to presume guilt, which help defendants get a fair trial,” said Ting. “AB 881 helps ensure the accused gets a jury of their peers.”

CalMatters: Soaring Chronic Absenteeism In CA Schools Is At ‘Pivotal Moment’

As a new school year gets underway in California, districts are desperately trying to lure thousands of missing, tardy and truant students back to the classroom in what many view as a pivotal moment for education in California.

In 2021-22, 30% of students in California’s public schools were chronically absent, an all-time high and more than three times the pre-pandemic rate. Advocates fear that unless schools can reverse the trend, so many students will fall behind that they may never catch up.

KCBS Radio: Eliminating “Legacy Admissions” in Universities Evens The Playing Field

Affirmative action is no longer legal in college admissions, after it was outlawed this summer by the U.S. Supreme Court. But many universities still give preference to so-called “legacies”, The children of alumni and prominent donors.

A recent report found that at at least three colleges in California, some of those applicants get in even when they’re not qualified for admission. An attempt to ban legacy admissions in the Golden State fell short four years ago, but now the author of that bill wants to try again.