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Ting Statement on Governor’s January Budget

Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco), Chair of the Assembly Budget Committee, released the statement below regarding Governor Gavin Newsom’s 2023-24 budget proposal:

Video: Community Coffee With Asm Phil Ting

Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) updates constituents on his accomplishments last year and his priorities for this year's legislative session. It was held at the Geneva Car Barn, which received $3.5 million in state funding a few years ago, thanks to the efforts of the Assemblymember. The investment helped with the transformation of this historic landmark into a community space.

Politico: CA is Working Hard To Pass Gun Laws — And Even Harder To Defend Them

California Democrats returned to Sacramento this week with a gun-safety agenda following a near-record year for U.S. mass shootings. But their legal obstacles loom higher than ever.

... Phil Ting, a Democratic Assemblymember from San Francisco, said he expects to see a legislative push this year to make more research on firearms and gun violence publicly available.

SF Chronicle: S.F.’s DMV Could Become One of the City’s Biggest Affordable Housing Sites

... The Department of General Services and the Department of Motor Vehicles issued a “request for interest” for the busy Fell Street site Friday, seeking a developer that could build both a new DMV — “identical in function” to the current one — as well as an unspecified number of housing units. Previous studies have indicated that the site could handle about 400 housing units, which would make it one of the city’s largest affordable housing developments. ...

Fairness & Equity Goals Lead List of Ting Legislation Taking Effect January 1

California pedestrians and drivers will see big changes in the way some traffic violations are handled under a pair of bills by Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) that are set to become law in 2023. The most significant is how jaywalking will be enforced. AB 2147/The Freedom To Walk Act allows people to safely cross the street outside an intersection when the roadway is clear of moving vehicles. Law enforcement will still be able issue a citation, if the pedestrian causes a hazard.

Sac Bee: Newsom Has Closed 3 Prisons; Now Lawmakers Are Planning To Shut More

The day after California officials announced the state will close its third prison, a top Democratic lawmaker indicated more shutdowns may be in the pipeline. A Budget Blueprint that Assembly Budget Chair Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, released on Wednesday suggested the state should close three more prisons over the next three years, in addition to the two facilities already slated for closure in 2023. Ting’s proposal follows the state’s announcement that it will close Chuckwalla Valley State Prison in Riverside County by 2025.

KCBS: How Should CA Handle The Projected 2023 State Budget Deficit?

After two years of unexpectedly large budget surpluses, California faces a budget deficit next year for the first time since 2020. The shortfall is projected at about $24 billion dollars, but luckily the state has socked away billions in its reserves and rainy day fund. The question now is should California dip into that piggy bank to balance the books next year, or cut spending or delay some programs as recommended by the state’s legislative analyst?