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Proposed State Law to Allow Local Tour Bus Safety Inspection Programs

SF Supervisors Ready to Act on New Authority to Protect the Public

(San Francisco, CA) – Flanked by supporters at City Hall, Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) announced new legislation he authored, along with Assemblymember David Chiu (D- San Francisco) and Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo), to increase tour bus safety inspections by allowing communities to operate their own safety inspection programs.

“The state’s inadequate inspection system cannot be our only option to ensure public safety,” said Assemblymember Ting.  “Dangerous buses fall through the cracks, causing preventable tragedies on our streets.  We must be able to take charge and protect ourselves.  Innocent people are paying the price for failure and it’s time for big changes that will help us reduce traffic fatalities.”

Ting Comments on Election of Anthony Rendon as Next Assembly Speaker

(Sacramento, CA) – Assemblymember Phil Ting (D–San Francisco) issued the following statement after a vote of the California State Assembly confirming Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood) as the next Speaker.

“Rendon has the chops we need to get things done.  His leadership was instrumental in crafting breakthrough agreements on complicated issues, like water and clean energy, from which he has earned the respect of his colleagues.  I look forward to working with him to improve education in California and admire his desire to chart a new course for early childhood education.  Education is the greatest gift and we need to act while our children are younger to position them for greater success in life.”

Ting Comments on Governor’s Proposed Budget

(Sacramento, CA) – Assemblymember Phil Ting (D–San Francisco), Chair of the Assembly Committee on Revenue and Taxation, issued the following statement about Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed state budget for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.  Released today, a breakdown of the Governor’s spending plan is available online at  Ting’s statement follows.

“California needs a budget that broadens opportunity while responsibly saving for the future.  We are making great progress.  Our rainy day fund is growing and unprecedented investments in education are positioning our kids for better success in life.  We must fulfill the promise of an affordable college degree for all students who work hard.  It is encouraging to see the Governor accelerate vital education reforms for high needs students and to extend them to early childhood education so that more of our kids can fulfill their potential.  Enduring challenges surround funding for healthcare, upgrading our infrastructure, and fighting climate change.  With a range of potential tax initiatives coming to the ballot this fall, elected leaders cannot simply sit on the sidelines like spectators.  We must do the job we were elected to perform and, by coming together, we can leave California better off than we found it.”

Health Experts Urge Governor Brown To Sign Ting Bill Requiring Multi-lingual Prescription Drug Information

(San Francisco, CA) –  Health experts joined Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) at Chinese Hospital to urge Governor Jerry Brown to sign legislation that will help 6.5 million Californians with limited English proficiency understand their medications by requiring pharmacists to distribute translations of drug information materials.

Ting’s Assembly Bill (AB) 1073 is now pending Governor Jerry Brown’s signature or veto by October 11.  It is a breakthrough in what has been a years-long fight to help patients with limited English proficiency to access prescription medicine information that they can understand.  Up to now, pharmacies have only been required to provide oral translation services over the phone.

Ting Comments On Signature Of Climate Legislation

(SAN FRANCISCO, CA) Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) issued the following statement in response to Governor Jerry Brown's signature of Senate Bill (SB) 350, which enacts the Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act of 2015. The legislation establishes targets to increase California's renewable electricity to 50% by 2030 and to double the energy efficiency savings in electricity and natural gas by 2030.

Governor Signs Ting Reform Bill to Ensure Property Tax Fairness

(Sacramento, CA) –  Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation authored by Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) to reform state oversight procedures over county assessors in order to more effectively ensure uniformity, fairness, and integrity of the property tax assessment process across California.

“We will now have much better information about the performance of our property tax system to determine what is being done right and what needs improvement,” said Ting who served as the Assessor Recorder of San Francisco prior to his election to the State Assembly.  “These reforms ensure that state audits of county assessors are undertaken in a way that will better improve services that they provide on the ground.”

Governor Signs Bill to Help Families on Food Stamps Buy Healthy Food at Farmers’ Markets

(SACRAMENTO, CA) –  Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation authored by Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) that will help California obtain millions of dollars in federal funds to provide incentives for low-income Californians receiving food stamps to shop at farmers’ markets.

“We must improve access to nutritious food because diet is the foundation for health,” said Ting.  “California has unmatched agricultural bounty and the largest network of farmers’ markets that must be more effectively harnessed to fight malnutrition and hunger.  Today’s signature will help us make the healthiest choice an easier choice for millions of Californians living in poverty.”

Supporters Urge Gov. Brown To Sign Bill Helping Families On Food Stamps Buy Healthy Food At Farmers’ Markets

Call for Signature on Eve of Federal Government Shutdown Threatening Food Stamp Program Operations

(SAN FRANCISCO, CA) –   Flanked by supporters at a bustling farmers’ market, Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) called on Governor Jerry Brown to sign legislation helping California obtain millions in federal funds to provide incentives for low-income Californians receiving food stamps to shop at farmers’ markets.

Ting’s AB 1321 passed the Assembly 60-18 and the Senate 30-8.  It awaits Brown’s signature or veto by October 11.

Lawmakers Urge Gov. Brown to Sign Bill Blocking Sidewalk Tolls at Golden Gate, State Toll Bridges

(SAN FRANCISCO, CA) – Flanked by supporters at the Golden Gate Bridge, Assemblymembers Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) and Marc Levine (D-Marin County) urged Governor Jerry Brown to sign their legislation prohibiting sidewalk tolls at the Golden Gate and state-owned toll bridges.  The group commemorated the value of free bridge access for all by walking and riding bicycles across the bridge.

“We should not nickel and dime people pursuing healthy transportation alternatives as we strive to combat climate change,” said Ting.  “Our bridges link a network of parks, paths, and trails that we have built around the Bay Area to promote active lifestyles.  By signing this bill, the governor can protect access to this legacy we share with the world.”