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Ting Honors Self-Help for the Elderly at State Capitol

Ting presents Winnie Yu (left), Anni Chung (left center), Josephine Ma (right center), and Catarina Lai (right) with a resolution honoring Self Help for the Elderly on the Assembly Floor.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) – During the inaugural celebration of California Nonprofits Day at the State Capitol, Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) honored Self Help for the Elderly, of San Francisco, as his nonprofit of the year.

"Getting older brings new challenges. Routine aspects of life can become tough, which makes the work of Self Help for the Elderly so important," said Ting. "They help seniors live with dignity and grace in our community. No calling is more noble than this."

Universal, “All Gender” Restroom Access Bill Advances in CA Legislature

(SACRAMENTO, CA) – A bill authored by Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) to establish the nation’s most inclusive restroom access law among states passed a key vote in the State Senate.  Today’s vote occurred days before the nation’s largest gathering of the LGBT community and its allies at the San Francisco Pride Celebration and Parade.

“This bill sets California apart from the nation, which is now under a wave of intolerance.  We are sending a simple message that everyone’s rights must be respected and protected,” said Ting.  “Restrooms are a necessity of life so equal access to them is a matter of basic civil rights.  Gender segregated access to a solitary restroom defies common sense.  This is a fair, convenient, and safe alternative to the hate being legislated in other states.”

LGBT, Muslim & Gun Safety Advocates Join Elected Leaders to Condemn Orlando Shooting, Call for Action on Gun Laws

(San Francisco, CA) – LGBT, Muslim and gun safety advocates joined state lawmakers in the aftermath of the weekend’s mass shooting in Orlando and the arrest of a heavily armed suspect targeting the Los Angeles Pride Festival to condemn acts of hatred and urge support for a number of gun safety bills scheduled for a key vote in the State Senate tomorrow.

“The loss of so many innocent lives must inspire change.  The underlying hate behind the mass murder of LGBT people will not stop equality and the freedom to live authentic lives,” said Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco).  “We luckily avoided a tragedy in Los Angeles but relying on luck is no way to run a state.  By passing comprehensive gun safety laws, we can prevent mass shootings in California.”

Ca Assembly Passes Bill To Prevent Gun Tragedies At Schools & Workplaces

(SACRAMENTO, CA) – The California State Assembly passed legislation authored by Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) to help prevent gun tragedies in schools and workplaces with the strongest law of its kind in the nation.

Assembly Bill (AB) 2607 passed with a 41-37 vote and moves to the State Senate for further review.

Assembly Passes Bill to Support Pregnant & Parenting Foster Youth

(SACRAMENTO, CA) – The California State Assembly passed legislation authored by Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) to help pregnant and parenting foster care youth be better parents.

Sponsored by the John Burton Foundation, the Children’s Law Center of California and First Place for Youth, Assembly Bill (AB) 1838 passed unanimously with a 73-0 vote and moves to the State Senate for further review.

Assembly Passes Ting Bill to Protect Nail Salon Workers

(SACRAMENTO, CA) – The California State Assembly passed legislation authored by Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) that would help immigrant nail salon workers and their employers understand labor laws.  

AB 2437 passed 50-27 and moves to the State Senate for further review.  It is a part of an ongoing effort in the State Assembly to ensure that the rights of nail salon workers are respected and protected.