Happy Farmers Market Week - it's a time we recognize the vital role they play in our food system, feeding families throughout the state, nation, and world. And how lucky are we that Californians have a bounty of fresh produce grown so close to us?
In honor of the occasion, I want to highlight Market Match, a program that has been important to both local farmers and lower-income families in our state. While it was slated for a devastating budget cut this year, the tireless advocacy of supporters, including myself, saved this initiative.
With another $35 million in state funding, residents on CalFresh will be able to continue using part of their benefits at farmers' markets where their buying power goes further. Under Market Match, spending ten dollars, for instance, gets them twenty dollars' worth of fruits and vegetables. Research has shown making fresh, nutritious foods more accessible to people in need leads to healthier outcomes. Plus, we help local growers expand their businesses.
This is a win-win all around, and I'm proud to have spearheaded AB 1321 seven years ago to create the California Nutrition Incentive Program, which oversees Market Match. To find a participating location near you, visit Farmers' Market Finder or reach out to marketmatch@ecologycenter.org for more information.
Assemblymember, 19th District